Written by Tamela Mills
Adolescence is known among Montessorians as the age of the social newborn, so how can we grow a program large enough to support teens’ need for peer connection, collaboration, and learning exploration? This can be a struggle for many schools.
A growing number of high-quality, independent Montessori schools are joining a network of schools through Bridgemont International School to meet the developmental needs of their young people. As a partnering school with Bridgemont, local schools across 8 time zones forge a safe, responsible online community where young people can learn collaboratively with peers and Montessori-trained guides. Bridgemont offers not only a full schedule of engaging, live courses for grades 7 and above, but also the essential experiences of community meetings, micro-economy, open work cycle, Socratic seminars, preparation for work shadowing, and digital citizenship, which has emerged as the practical life of this generation. Bringing teens from various schools, states, even countries gives students a wider social circle, allowing them to develop friendships, learn about other cultures and lived experiences. They are becoming the global citizens that Dr. Montessori envisioned!
The online school experience is balanced with ample time offscreen for the many advantages of work and life in a neighborhood Montessori school enriched with hiking, gardening, car washes, cooking, sports, field trips, and work of the hand in the safety and familiarity of their home school, one which many students have grown up in and navigate with confidence. So that every young person has the wrap-around support and mentorship so valuable at this stage, Bridgemont staff maintain connection and offer training to the classroom guide/teaching assistant who guides these experiences.
If you are interested in learning more about how your school can become a partnering school with Bridgemont, email our staff at info@bridgemontschool.com. BIS staff will develop a daily schedule, plan for courses and services that best meet your school needs, host an info-session for you and your school families, and offer every student an individualized education and a team of Montessorians who understand the importance of educating the whole child.